Note:This post isn't my idea...but one of my aunt asked me to write about doctors so...oh well.
Also,let me tell you about a story.
Daymond was a dragon and very much wanted to be a doctor.He was an average dragon accept he was a kid.He had green skin and wings.One day,he went up to his house attic and found a dust old book.He rubbed the dust away and looked at the words written in gold.It says "THE ULTIMATE DOCTOR GUIDE".Daymond turned to the contents.It reads...
1.Dragon's and human's body chart
4.Medicines and herbs
He turned the next page and saw that the body wasn't too complicated.He learned much from the human body and knew the organs like the pancreas,heart,lungs,kidneys,liver and bladder.
He knew the dieaseses and cures like herbs such as red dates.
He learnt many things...
When Daymond grew up,he became a successfull doctor.
Being a doctor is hard but becomes easy when your know the right thing.
-The end-