Lungs-They help us to breathe and produce oxygen for the body.
Heart-It beats tiressly and produces more blood for the body.
Brain-This organ is our main thinking area from sneaky plans to clever inventions.
Stomach-This organ holds acid and digests food.
Large/Small intestines-These long organs asorb vitamins and digestive juices.
Anus/Bladder-They hold our waste and urine and are ready to be passed out.
Muscle-These stretchy bands give us energy and strength to move.
Bones-One thing that holds us and gives our body the shape,you got it.
Nerves-Want some electricity?There's always hope with nerves to connect electrical signals from the body.
Skin-Woah...this ones the biggest organ and protects our body from viruses,dieases and bacteria.
Blood-I had to have you known that it's one messy,yet helpful liquid that has types like A,B,C and D.
Gallbladder-Want some juice?They have it.
Kidneys-Stick that tongue out!Too much salt is controlled here.
Liver-Sweets and all things nice.One common thing is it controls the amout of sugar.
Veins/Arteries/Cappillaries-God,many veins and arteries to flow blood.
Tendons-To hold musceles to your bones is one thing....
Joints-Connecting hard and stiff bones to one another!
Cells-Blood cells are the most.Watch for other cells!
Neurons-How do these communicate?By electric impulses!Found in the body's controll system.
Glands-To help your body function.
Viscera-It fills your body's chest and abdominal cavity.
Ligaments-It holds your joins together.
Bye!Some copied from Almaniac 2006 Times for Kids...thanks to them.Bye!