Saturday, July 22, 2006

Pizza time?

I wonder how he's addicted.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Organs in your body

Lungs-They help us to breathe and produce oxygen for the body.
Heart-It beats tiressly and produces more blood for the body.
Brain-This organ is our main thinking area from sneaky plans to clever inventions.
Stomach-This organ holds acid and digests food.
Large/Small intestines-These long organs asorb vitamins and digestive juices.
Anus/Bladder-They hold our waste and urine and are ready to be passed out.
Muscle-These stretchy bands give us energy and strength to move.
Bones-One thing that holds us and gives our body the shape,you got it.
Nerves-Want some electricity?There's always hope with nerves to connect electrical signals from the body.
Skin-Woah...this ones the biggest organ and protects our body from viruses,dieases and bacteria.
Blood-I had to have you known that it's one messy,yet helpful liquid that has types like A,B,C and D.
Gallbladder-Want some juice?They have it.
Kidneys-Stick that tongue out!Too much salt is controlled here.
Liver-Sweets and all things nice.One common thing is it controls the amout of sugar.
Veins/Arteries/Cappillaries-God,many veins and arteries to flow blood.
Tendons-To hold musceles to your bones is one thing....
Joints-Connecting hard and stiff bones to one another!
Cells-Blood cells are the most.Watch for other cells!
Neurons-How do these communicate?By electric impulses!Found in the body's controll system.
Glands-To help your body function.
Viscera-It fills your body's chest and abdominal cavity.
Ligaments-It holds your joins together.
Bye!Some copied from Almaniac 2006 Times for Kids...thanks to them.Bye!

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Youth Day

On Monday there's Youth Day.And they're going to smash down tha ol' National Stadium in Singapore.Uncool...well,kinda.
-Try this!-
Blow into a ballon and rub it around your hair.Lift it up a few inches above your head and hair will be standing.
This electric produces electrical signals with the balloon and that's why your hair raises up.
Adopted from Kids Company Singapore
Humans blink 200,000 times a day.
Adopted from National Geographic Kids
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