Monday, June 20, 2005


Have you ever go onto a rocking machine?Earthquakes are things that shake the ground and
destroy buildings and trees.When some stations detect earthquakes,you will see funny lines.Green lines are called primary lines and red lines are called secondary lines.Ok,here comes it.Green lines are just a normal shake on the ground.Lamps on top of your houses shake.But when it comes to a secondary line you would die in 10 seconds even if the secondary earthquake line has just started.Secondary lines is where the ground shakes so hard that it looks like its gone mad.
Try it:Want to know how crazy and violent a secondary line earthquake can be?
Take a plain paper.Put your two hands each at the side of the paper.(Paper must be like a rectanguler shape.That means you read your tests like a paper which is like a rectangle being held upside down right?But we want you to turn to a rectangle shape.)Then,shake up and down as fast as you can.Imagine if you are a full stop and you contine shaking,will you survive if its real and you are the full stop?This is how violent and crazy it can be!
Tip:try cutting or making funny small houses or put small toy houses.shake like that again.houses all fall right?

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