Monday, October 08, 2007

How to create good climaxes in stories

-Tips to creating a good climax in stories-
Everyone knows a good story requires an exciting climax,right?If you want to know the basics,
read on.
-Basically,the character is involved with something dangerous,or goes through something fun or cool.The character may also face difficulties or does something amazing(that can also be nervous).
-Climaxes need a logical explanation and flows with the storyline.
-Climaxes are usually the most exciting part of the story.
-Example:A man facing 3 gangsters and fighting them is a climax.
A man that had managed to defeat the gangsters in not climax.It is the resolution.
-Add on interesting elements to your climax to make it more exciting.
Example:The man faced a bigger opponent.Although he was hurt in the process,he managed to avoid his opponent's attacks.
Thanks for reading.

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