Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Average,is,the amount that is fairly inbetween the largest and smallest.
To find the average,add together the number of items and divide it by the number of people/things having it.

For example,John has 2 apples,Mattew has 3 pears and George has 4 oranges.
What is the average of the number of fruits?
The average would be 3 fruits in total.
9[divide by]3*=3
Still confused?
Well,here's another question.

Josh has 3 buttons,Ben has 6 buttons,Tony has 2 buttons and Max has 1 button.
What is the average of the number of buttons?
The average is 3 buttons.
12[divided by]4*=3
*=Number of boys(Refer to line 3 and 4)

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