Tuesday, February 05, 2008

GS:The Mad Dancing Man

"Hey,listen to that!"Ferris excitedly whispered.Two other boys and I woke up and rubbed our eyes."What is it?"Kent moaned."Just listen!"Ferris tried to keep Kent quiet.And about a minute later,we could clearly hear some strange singing."Maybe we should check it out,"Dennis suggested."Maybe we should go back to bed.It's midnight and we have to get up early next morning.What's more,we're still in a camp,guys!"I was answered irritatedly as I was still sleepy.
"You can stay here in the tent if you want,Terry.We're going to check out all that singing.Who knows?It might be an insane person or one of our teachers," Kent giggled.The rest except me giggled softly as well.I shivered about staying in an empty tent and then said,"Ok,I'll go along as well.It's bad to miss out a chance to see a crazy teacher singing!"
Ferris got out his flashlight and shone out into the darkness with it.It was dead silent,except for a few crickets chirping.Then,the singing started again,except,it was in a much deeper voice.We soon got out of our tent and started walking through the grassland.There were two other tents about ten metres away from ours,but we wanted to solve the mystery alone,by ourselves.
The thought of ghosts haunting camps made me shiver,but I thought it was all nonsense,ghosts don't haunt camps or teachers or children!
As we stepped out further from our tents,we came across an abandoned cottage with thatched roofs,broken window panes and a door full of holes.We peered through a hole of one of the window panes and saw a dancing man.He did crazy dances and danced around the house,kicking and throwing furniture around.Then,as if by magic,they disappeared.Our faces were as white as sheet and to our horror,a loud voice yelled,"WHO IS IT WHO VISITS US LATE IN THE NIGHT!?!"We ran as quickly as we could,helping each other to run faster and faster while retracing our steps back to the camp.Behind us,we could hear singing again.
Suddenly,while we were running,a spirit of an ugly man appeared in front of us and we came halting to a stop."YOU!WHY MUST YOU PEOPLE DISTURB US?!"the ghost shouted in anger.
Ferris,who was pale,softly responded,"We didn't mean to!" "QUIET!"commanded the angry spirit.Just then,in the middle of the conversation,we could hear someone running towards us.
I could clearly hear leaves crackling as if someone stepped on them.
The ghosts's other evil friends!I was biting my nails now.But much to our astonishment,it was Mr Halim!
"Stay back!I knew this was going to happen!"Mr Halim instructed."The children did not mean it!" "FOOL!YOU'RE NO MATCH FOR ME,YOU'RE PATHETIC!"laughed the ghost."We'll see!" grinned Mr Halim.
We watched in awe as our math teacher battled against an angry spirit.At first,it seemed that the ghost had Mr Halim under his thumb,but Mr Halim took over the ghost minutes later.
"Quick,Dennis,pass me a stone!"instructed Mr Halim.Dennis quickly picked up a smooth stone and passed it to Mr Halim.Mr Halim whispered some charms into it and then aimed and threw it into the mouth of the ghost!The ghost screeched and slowly,it's skin and flesh melted into the ground.The skeletal remains exploded into thick smoke.Mr Halim was sweating all over now.
Then,he brought us back to the camp and reprimanded us for disturbing spirits.
"In this world,there are good and evil spirits.What you saw just now was a strong,evil spirit."
Mr Halim explained."Luckily,I noticed you guys were gone and I quickly checked my compass.The needle pointed to the direction of the spirit.Spirits are a bit magnetic!"
We promised not to disturb the supernatural for a long,long time.Too bad this was the only story we could tell our grandchildren.
And that was the last we saw of the dancing spirit.

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