Saturday, February 09, 2008

PICK #1:Lost in Greenwood

INSTRUCTIONS:Read this before starting the game.
PICK is an adventure-based game in series and you have to decide which path you want to choose.
You can be good,bad or plain evil.It's a big world,after all.
If you choose to kill a dragon,for example,you have to go to paragraph 62(or 62,if you prefer).
So scroll down to 62.Anyway,enjoy.
GAME(begins after this line):
You wave goodbye to your parents,promising to find a new life somewhere in the world and visit them again once every year.
They had given you some food,a guide dog,medicine and some gold(money).
Your mother also gave you an enchanted locket and your father,his trusty sword.
As you walk through Greenwood forest,you sense danger looking at you,breeathing down your neck.But,it couldn't be.After all,you had been staying near the forest for years.
You walked all day until it was night.
Go to 2.
Walking through a forest is completely different from walking in a park.
There are unknown animals and sometimes,robbers.Luckily,you could soon see an inn nearby.
The lights of the inn attracted you to go in.However,you have never seen the inn before.
Suddenly,you hear a rustle of leaves behind you and swung behind.You could see a bandit wielding a dagger and he orders,"Give me all your gold!"
You panic.
If you choose to fight with him with your sword,go to 3.
If you give him all your gold,turn to 4.
"No!"you shout.You slowly take out the sword out of your bag.The bandit angrily advances towards you with his dagger.
You quickly waited for the bandit to come close and when he did,you chopped his head!
You then,found some gold and took his dagger.
Then you walk to the inn.
Go to 5.
"Okay,don't hurt me!"you said.As the bandit takes your money,he quickly stabs you with his dagger!Instant kill.
As you stepped in,you see the bartender cooking and some men drinking beer.
If you want to hear some gossips,go to 7.
If you want to rest for the night,go to 6.
"Give me a bed to rest on for tonight,"you ask the bartender.You paid him five gold coins.
The bartender quickly walks you up to your room."Enjoy,"he smiles at you when he opened the door.Being so tired,you immediately dropped to the bed.
Just then,you heard some singing coming outside.
If you think you should investigate,go to 8.
If you don't care,go to 9.
"Are there any news?"you ask a young man dressed brightly.
"I've heard of some lost treasure in a deserted Greenwood camp,but only a loser will go there,cos' there are ghosts ,"he says."Unless you're lookin' for a suicide."
You feel sleepy now,turn to 6.
As you stepped out from the room,the singing stops.Instead,you hear soft footsteps walking up towards you!Frightened,you tried to open the door and get back,but your hand gets stuck to the doorknob!Somewhere from the darkness,a woman in white walks towards you and smiles.
That's when you passed out.
Curosity kills the cat,maybe for this situation.
It's just singing,who cares?
After getting some shut-eye,you finally awake next morning,ready to settle off to find adventure.Finally.
Thanks for playing!

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