Friday, February 08, 2008

What happened 2 days ago:In school

-In school(6 February):
On this day,because it was Chinese New Year Eve,we could go home at a whooping 9.30 am
(School starts at about 7.05 am.).When I came to school,there were 6 books on my desk.
The books are:Maths PSLE test book,English language PSLE test book,Science PSLE test book,Maths Workbook,English spelling exercise book and Math exercise book.
The PSLE books are a compilation of exam papers from past years of PSLE.
Then,we had to go for our daily morning assembly,where we sang our hymns,prayers,national anthem and recite our school pledge.There's also the Singapore pledge.After that,we proceeded to the hall(not daily) to watch a performance on CNY,hear songs of CNY and learn about it.
I didn't really bother to sing the songs as I wanted to see the performance.There really was not much to see.Three chinese teachers went up on stage and told us more about the four important things that chinese scholars find essential for study(also know as "the four treasures".)These are:ink brush(a tool used to write),ink stone(where the ink is poured),paper(for writing on) and ink stick(broken up and mixed with water to create ink).
After all the songs and performances,we went back to our classes at about 9.10 am.
We then spent the last twenty minutes doing an activity.
The activity was that each student receives a paper which has two oranges with spaces in them and we had to like...cut them out and write auspicious words.Then,we exchanged them and our greetings with our friends.And we went home after all that. :)

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